Things about Me: You Might or Might not Know

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

s726908038_172738_9421April 15, 2009 — Marvi Sirmed 
1. I hate to follow, but am doing it only because I like this idea! It took an hour or so to take stock of myself to write these 25 points! But why 25????
2. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this…..I had always believed that human brain is incapable of truly random thoughts
3. I love to challenge, especially the stereotypes and the established norms . . .so I used to challenge the class attendance requirement during my college days!
4. I am better at coming up with ideas than following through with them.
5. I try to live in a manner that affords me the ability to be an open book, but with very-difficult-to-decipher codes . . . My heart is not a garden where everyone could walk in, rather, it remains like sky – visible to everyone, where everyone wants to reach, but only the PRIVELEGED can get to it!!! (no no its not mean . . . it’s just about class!)
6. I’m a daughter of desert – a son of Cholistan married a daughter of Thar, and I was born!
7. Being the only daughter of the family, I was a pampered child. I’ve two brothers who were raised in a seminary in Bahawalpur, who love me because I’m their only sister but hate me for what I am!
8. I am a political animal, but it always excites me to be a “king maker” rather than a “power seeker”
9. I used to be very uncomfortable in mingling with communities in khuli katchehris etc. Grand pa would not approve of this attitude and term it as “elitist”. But believe me the only problem was that people used to smell really bad!!! Sorry grand pa :( You know what, I lost my sense of smell after grand pa’s death . . .and now village meetings? Not a problem!
10. Despite my repeated attempts, I could not develop the taste for music other than Bhajans, old filmi music of subcontinent, daadras by Roshan Ara Begum, ghazals sung by Begum Akhter, Fareeda Khanum and Iqbal Bano, Sufi kalam by Baba Bulhay Shah, Shah Hussain, Baba Fareed, Bhitai, Sayeen Sachal etc. Aur kuch samajh mein naheen aata :(
11. I like Urdu because that’s the only language I’m good at . . .I have to struggle with all the other languages including my mother tongue Punjabi and our national father tongue English!
12. I love reading. Books are my best friends. I would be the happiest person if you leave me alone in Hawai for 15 days with my books :)
13. Things I have enjoyed most (so far) – been arrested, delivering political speeches in small Jalsaas, performing on stage, sleeping while Musharraf was talking in presidency in 2006 and people told me he knew and was disturbed about it, asking Gen. Shaukat Sultan who he was (when he was DG ISPR), playing with children from servant quarters when I was a kid, watching Sholay, marrying Ameetabh Bachan and going to Niagra with Bogart (the last one was a dream, silly!)
14. I hope I never stop learning and growing.
15. I will stop procrastinating tomorrow, promise!
16. I find that semantics come into play far more often than I would like.
17. I feel that most religion does more harm than good and that the good that is done could be done without it.
18. At this point in life I am an atheist.
19. I think life would be easier if I were religious again, but I can’t lie to myself.
20. I believe it human to be selfish, but we can rise above it.
21. I hate apple. They brought out a new iPhone a week after I bought my 8gb one. Bastards.
22. I’d be 37 this summer, and I still think there’s something about sex that I don’t know!
23. I worry too much about letting people down.
24. If I am depressed, sad or menstrual I will sit and eat bowls and bowls of plain rice and lentils (Please note, I eat rice in bowl. lols)
25. I have the ability to fall asleep anywhere and I have. While driving, at work, standing in line, during sex, on the toliet, while eating, you name it. I’ll be talking and then someone is waking me up. I would sleep all the time save night!
26. I have no career goals and my romantic life (what on earth does it mean??) is ok anyway.
27. I have boxes and boxes of books I have no intention of re-reading just in case someone comes by and says, “Do you have a copy of Radha Krishnan’s Geeta I can borrow?” I feel this is my duty. I also can not throw a book away if it is ruined. I’ll keep the tattered pages until they are shredded so much that I can’t tell what book they used to be.
28. I don’t understand why people go out if they don’t drink, they don’t dance and they don’t want to talk to anyone there. Me? I’ll be over here doing all three and probably throwing a little bit of some extra stuff in the mix as well. I am the best (behaved) drunk on Earth. I’ll talk to anyone and I have no problem getting other people to dance. When in doubt, you should invite me. No, seriously. You really should.
29. I am full of ideas for movies, books, songs and I plan them in my head almost to completion. Then before I can write them down, I come up with a new idea which pushes the old one out. Lack of a pen, laziness and general forgetfulness are the reasons I haven’t done most f the things I talk about.
30. I’m proud of my accomplishments (way too many to list here, hehehe). I worked hard to get where I am today, against all odds and in spite of myself.
31. Thank you Muna and Shaan for allowing me to take a look/see into me again….I must do this every once in a while to take stock and to see just how far I’ve come, or not!
32. See, you asked for 25, I gave you 32 – that’s me!